
By advertising with Whitenuckle Media, you and your company will benefit from:

  • A low cost marketing tool with maximum impact
  • An eco-friendly way to get your sales message across
  • Increasing your businesses’ brand awareness with this eye-catching marketing method
  • Our concept is one of mobile marketing to maximise the exposure of your brand and business
  • Interaction and creating the buzz with your potential customers as Whitenuckle Media riders hand out flyers, tell them about your business or even dress up to draw attention to your marketing campaign
  • Weather resistant marketing – our riders are out shouting about your business come rain or shine
  • Extra support from our social media presence courtesy of Tweetiepie Media and a complimentary advert on our website (for a limited period)
  • Stress free marketing – we do all the “leg work” for you!

Get in touch with us today for further information or to book your slot!